Sunday, September 09, 2007


Better late than never...

I don't know how eagerly anyone follows the new episodes here, but the schedule may be running behind for a while. With graduate school moving ahead full steam, my goal was to keep putting episodes up every two weeks. But though Infinite Return was nice, I felt after the fact that a lot more could have been done with it if I hadn't rushed to meet my self imposed deadline. So I'm going to take a different tack and see how it works, with the focus being on pieces that are "finished" rather than simply being "on time." Hopefully that will boil down to only three or four weeks, tops, in between episodes.

And I think this week's piece is indeed an improvement over Infinite Return. It's still entirely a motif piece, but I gave a little more time to each motif as a melody before moving into the overlapping of the motifs that I enjoy so much. This comes with a 20Hz binaural beat to accentuate the buzz of the cheerful music. I hope you like it - if anyone out there has a serious Binaural Banjo itch that the new episode schedule just won't scratch, email me and we'll get a personal favorites compilation together for you. As I've said before, though I will occasionally do a full bore CD promotion, I am happy to honor CD requests at any time. So let me hear from you!


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