Monday, October 30, 2006


A few of the tunes so far have really hit the mark as far as what I'm trying to get at. This is one. The beat is 12Hz, and it's prominent - I can only analyze the source .wav files and not mp3's that get downloaded, but I do know the past few weeks have been iffy about actually containing binaural beats. Not this week, and hopefully not anymore. Enjoy.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


One for the season. Including a 6Hz beat and some computerized guests this week: The bass line is a convoluted sine wave blip, and the synth is... synth.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Technical Notes

The site seems to get a decent amount of hits, so I figured I would go ahead and post regarding the delay on getting the new episode up. I am migrating my audio production from a Windows XP environment to Linux (Fedora Core 5), and while it's been fun enough in it's own way, there have also been plenty of hangups.

In fact, this week's episode is finished and will be posted ASAP - I still have to upload from Windows, however, and sample rate issues and whatnot between Linux and Windows have made it difficult to produce a decent sounding mp3. But in case anyone is checking, thanks for hanging in there. The next installment is on its way.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Rising

A thought of song, but no song: The drone taking precedence. The beat is 6Hz.

The Rising