Thursday, April 10, 2008


I like the tune for this week's episode a lot, though I'm not very objective about it and I don't know how well it's going to come across in general.

The fast section, which is about the second half of the tune, was not something I planned for and just launched into while recording the guitar part. The reason I like this episode so much is because whatever impulse made me change the feeling of the song at that point has been preserved through the overdubbing, mixing, etc. But there's also kind of a lo-fi aspect to it all which may not work, and which may interfere with someone else's enjoyment of the music. The uptempo portion of the song also makes an odd contrast to the sweeping drones, and balancing it all was an interesting exercise in audio production. There again, though, it may not be as interesting to hear as it was to create...

But overall it's upbeat, and the drones are about the fullest I've ever done, with a lot of texture and motion. There's a 20Hz binaural beat underneath it all - I'm still using SBaGen for that - and all in all I think the piece is a nice refresher. I do hope you like it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent!! i wish to listen all of them